Instructions: The words and videos below are meant to be read and played in sequence, together forming one complete worship service. Begin by pressing play on the first video.
God Bless!
God is ever creating, recreating, moving this universe and those of us in it toward something better – something closer to God himself.
The song below captures this every moving spirit better than any other I have ever heard. It challenges us to see God at work, doing a new thing, at every moment in history. And it challenges us all to find our place in that work, to be remade into what God would have us become.
Certain spaces in the prayer are left open for you to add whatever is on your heart to add.
And Let Us Pray…
Lord God, Creator, Redeemer,
We lift before you the concerns that we share with our world…
… with our nation …
… with our communities …
… our families …
… our friends …
… our neighbors …
… and ourselves …
Watch over us, and guide us in these times of uncertainty and fear, into your promise and your future.
Forgive us for all the wrong that we have done,
Willingly and unwillingly,
Knowingly or unknowingly.
Give us your grace, to resist tomorrow whatever temptation we have given into today,
To persevere in challenges we have yet to face,
To live beyond fear.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who challenges us, always Amen.
Now, I’m pleased to introduce my father, Pastor Norman Bude, and his message for this Sunday.
You can be remade, shake off the smoke that has gathered around you, and become what God has made you to be.
So go out this week, looking to be renewed, recreated, and moved forward into the work that God is doing now.