We Are Not Alone | Sunday Worship, June 14, 2020

Instructions: The words and videos below are meant to be read and played in sequence, together forming one complete worship service. Begin by pressing play on the first video.

God Bless!



We are in this together.

One of the injustices that modern society has placed upon us is the demand for self sufficiency.

In contrast, the first comment God ever makes about the human race is: “It is not good for the human to be alone,” (Genesis 2:18).

We are in this together. Of course, we have all been hearing those words recently, over and over again in this ongoing crisis. But God said them first.

The same God who sends us out into each others lives, to rescue, and be rescued in turn.

Certain spaces in the prayer are left open for you to add whatever is on your heart to add.

And Let Us Pray…

Lord God, Creator, Redeemer,

We lift before you the concerns that we share with our world…

… with our nation …

… with our communities …

… our families …

… our friends …

… our neighbors …

… and ourselves …

Watch over us, and guide us in these times of uncertainty and fear, into your promise and your future.

Forgive us for all the wrong that we have done,

Willingly and unwillingly,

Knowingly or unknowingly.

Give us your grace, to resist tomorrow whatever temptation we have given into today,

To persevere in challenges we have yet to face,

To live beyond fear.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Now, I’m pleased to introduce my father, Pastor Norman Bude, and his message for this Sunday.

We all have demons.

And we all have the ability to help someone with their demons.

The idea of “confession” before the congregation seem, well, Catholic to us Protestants. But to seek forgiveness, support, and reliance on the community is in fact one of the oldest Christian practices.

We are not in this alone.

So as you go out this week, be in this with your community. Help them with their demons. Seek their help with yours.

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