“The Saga Of Salem” – Sunday Message On Genesis 14, 2 Samuel 5, And Hebrews

"The Saga of Salem" | Sunday Message on Melchizedek

This Sunday Message was originally delivered at Weasley Chapel United Methodist Church on July 7, 2024. Below the live video is the sermon text I preached from, if you would like to follow along. Biblical texts for reference: Genesis 14:1-24; 2 Samuel 5:1-10; Hebrews 7:1-19; Revelation 21-22 Read online with https://www.biblegateway.com – a fantastic resource. … Read more

Creation Turns a Corner | Understanding Genesis Chapter 1 verse 11

Understanding Genesis chapter 1 verse 11 | And God said, let the earth bring forth a tender sprout, grass yielding seed, a fruit tree yielding fruit according to the kind of see that is in it throughout the earth. and It was so.

Genesis 1:11, the second part of Day 3, marks a critical turning point in creation. Here creation makes a great leap which science alone has difficulty explaining, from inanimate to animate objects. The jump from simple chemical reactions, to life. Creation and Evolution Evolution is the scientific explanation for how complex life forms develop over time … Read more


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