Easter Worship 2020 | Let Us Be Brave

Easter Sunday 2020

Instructions: The words and videos below are meant to be read and played in sequence, together forming one complete worship service. Begin by pressing play on the first video. God Bless! Today we celebrate! Frightened as we may be in strange, and unprecedented days… Concerned as we may be for the health of friends… …of … Read more

Creation Ex Nihilo | Understanding Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1

The bible begins in the beginning— The absolute and total beginning— the time from which all time comes. Creation ex nihilo Long after Genesis was written, Roman Christians would start talking about something called creatio ex nihilo: creation out of nothing. While the writer of Genesis 1:1 falls short of stating that God created “out … Read more

Palm Sunday 2020

Palm Sunday 2020

Instructions: The words and videos below are meant to be read and played in sequence, together forming one complete worship service. Begin by pressing play on the first video. God Bless!     Now let us join in worship of God by lifting up this song of praise…       As we meditate on … Read more

This is what I believe | from a postmodern, nihilistic, Chrisitan

This is What I Believe with Nicene Creed

The following statement has developed during my lifetime in the church, my exposure to several different Christian traditions, my undergraduate study of history, my four years spent presuing two Masters Degrees in the History of Theology and Christian Education, and many, many years of independent research. In other words, it did not come to me … Read more

Did Death Exist ‘In the Beginning’? | Understanding Genesis Chapter 1 verse 12

Understanding Genesis 1:12 | Did Death Exist 'in the beginning'? | And the Earth brought forth a tender sprout, grass yielding seed across to their kinds, a tree producing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was Good.

God made the world perfect. So did death exist ‘in the beginning’? No, because a perfect reality, free from sin, free from death, was God’s intention. Humans screwed it up. Sound familiar? The old Sunday school argument If you have spent any time in a church, you have probably had something like this preached to … Read more
